Fantastical White Trees Covered in Frost


Until I left my hometown at the age of 18 to go to university in Tokyo, I always thought winter was plain and boring. Too much snow, freezing cold, nothing to do out there really (a typical teenager in countryside, right?). However, every time I flew back to home during breaks at the university, the great nature that I had been bored of seeing before struck me with its beauty; it was especially so in winter.


These white threes covered in frost were definitely among the things that I took for granted but realized were absolutely unique and stunning after living away from home. The nature does this art in the early chilly morning after a humid day or near a river where moist in the air gets frozen on tree branches. I can't spot the exact locations, but I remember I often found them outside of the city as you can see in the pictures. This contrast between the clear blue sky and the fantastical white trees is just beautiful.


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